Monday, November 28, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Texans Love Donuts

According to the Yellow Pages, there are 164 donut shops in Dallas, 23 of which are in my end of town.  Compare this to a paltry 45 in Atlanta and 8 in the small hamlet of Columbus. 
It is a fact, Texans love beef and fried dough.  (That covers 2 food groups, doesn't it?)

They have great names, these Dallas area donut shops.  There is Fantastic Donuts, Good Donuts, Delightful Donuts, One Star Donuts.  My favorite are the religious themed donut shops: Immanuel Donuts, Gospel Donuts, Gospel Donut Shop, and Shalom Donuts.

This weekend, Mr. S, the Wee-One, and myself will set out for some serious, hard-hitting investigative taste-testing to learn more about this intriguing donut phenomenon.

I did say that Texas wasn't going to make me fat, didn't I?