Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cool Sutff in Amarillo!

Tonight was an adventure filled evening.  The Locals have told me I have seen all there is to see in Amarillo, I shall remain open-minded and unconvinced of this...

First stop, the Cadillac Ranch.  When I was about 13, I visited the Cadillac Ranch during a road trip from California to Indiana.  Until my recent move to Texas, it was the only first-hand experience I had had with the state.  Back then, the cars were painted hot pink and you couldn't get up close.  Now, it appears to be a free-for-all.  The cars are caked with paint and graffiti and the surrounding ground is littered with trash and empty spray paint cans.  Kinda of trashy and sad, really. 

Next stop, The Big Texan restaurant.  When I mentioned this tourist trap to some of The Locals, they assured me I didn't want to eat there.  Can I tell you that I managed to convince a few to go with me and I had the best time!?!  Okay, it was a little hokey, but the service was great, the food was tasty, AND I was lucky enough to get a front row seat as someone took up the challenge of attempting to eat their famous 72 ounce steak.   

(I would post of photo of this daredevil, but Blogger isn't acting right and I am too tired to mess around with it.)

It was a good day, now I am hoping for a good night's sleep.

Night y'all.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Ever since I landed in Amarillo this morning, I have had the song "Route 66" running through my head.  And, not just any version, but the "Route 66/Behind the Wheel" remix by Depeche Mode.


My new job requires that I travel quite a lot.  The travel isn't too glamorous, no visits to London or New York for me.  I am expected to spend time in both Waco and Amarillo, in addition to offices in Dallas and Plano.  At my previous company, I had carefully arranged, handwritten notes and files which sorted all of my projects and assignments.  Now, because I work out of four different offices, toting paper files everywhere would be ridiculous so my laptop and Blackberry have become my new best friends.  Yes, I have become one of those people.

I am enjoying the constant change of pace and scenary.  I am learning how to be much more socialable and to develop the stamina to make small talk with people over the course of a 12-hour day.  These are not skills I was born with, so I am quite proud to see them grow.  Still, after a long day of chatting and smiling, it feels good to sit alone in a quiet hotel room.

I love being in this part of Texas and I am eager to have non-work hours to explore.  It is so foreign from where I came from.  Everywhere I've lived previously has been so green and lush, with trees everywhere.  The flat Texas plain is completely opposite and incredibly inviting.  All the locals  I've met joke that Amarillo is so boring and that there is nothing to do or see.  How sad for them.  I've already targeted a couple of museums I would like to visit and there is a little patch of land near my hotel which is inhabited by prairie dogs.  Not only that, but tomorrow I get to eat a meal at The Big Texan (the famous restaurant where you can attempt to eat a 72 ounce steak). 

What's there not to love?


Well, if you ever plan to motor west...Just take my way, that's the highway that's the best...get your kicks on Route 66...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wild Parakeets!

Meet the Monk Parakeet...there were 6 of these in my front yard when I got home from work today!!! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In the beginning...

For years my husband and I have wanted to do something interesting with our lives.  We love to travel, try new food, explore new cultures, meet new people,etc. Our dreams and imaginations have always been bigger than our checkbook balances and other realities, so we've satisfied ourselves with foreign movies, the occasional vacation, tons of books, and hours of daydreams.

Eventually, we became dissatisified with living vicariously through books and film.  We grew bored of daydreams and pretend plans.  By the time our daughter was born we worried that we may not be the best examples of how to live the life you've always wanted.  After all, we want her to follow her dreams and not be afraid of the occasional risk.  Shouldn't we do the same thing?  So, while people in their mid-thirties with comfortable jobs and new babies are concentrating on settling down and establishing themselves, we decide to quit our jobs, sell some possessions, and move away to try a new life.
So, where are we?

The "Big D", Dallas, Texas! My husband is in grad school working on <ahem> a third master's degree in preparation for a doctoral program. I have a lovely new job. And we are working on transitioning ourselves from the sleepy Georgia town we left to DFW metroplex, home to over 6 million people.

In order to get here, we've refined our skills of resourcefulness, frugality, and perservance.  But, the adventure truly begins as we begin to make a home in this massive place.  Texas is, after all, "like a whole 'nother country."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Coming Soon!

I've tried this blogging bit before...this time, it's serious business!

Stay tuned for the exciting adventures of one family adjusting to life in the Big D.